Free Inspection

We understand that it can be very difficult to discern if you have a foundation problem. That is what professionals are for. We can diagnose the predicament in a jiffy. In some cases, the issue is not with your foundation but with the plumbing. Either way, we will let you know. McKinney Foundation Repair offers free inspections. We don’t think it would be fair to charge you for a foundation problem that doesn’t exist. You are under no obligation to purchase services from us. We would hope that you would choose the best company for the job. You can’t go wrong when you enlist us for slab repair, drainage issues or post & beam repair.

No Pressure to Commit

The more information you have, the more likely you are to make informed decisions about your foundation. We prefer to work with informed home and business owners. The free inspection allows you to put your concerns to rest. The lead foundation expert can diagnose any potential malfunction and propose a viable and affordable solution. You are not under any pressure to commit. It is our pleasure to provide you with the knowledge to move forward with preserving your investment. You may find that our competitors will offer a free inspection followed by an intense pressure sale to get you to select their company for the remedy. That is not the case when you enlist McKinney Foundation Repair.

What You Can Expect

The foundation specialist will inspect the soil to determine the moisture levels and whether or not it is clay or sand based. The temperature of the crawlspace and underneath your home will be measured. She will also check the humidity. Part of the inspection includes the observation and recording of any structural issues that may result in sticking doors and windows and doors and windows that refuse to close. We look for cracks in the interior and exterior walls, along with the floor and ceiling. You will be provided with a detailed drawing of your foundation, plus a digital tour of your crawlspace and an individualized solution.

Preventative Measures

There are many things that you can do to maintain your foundation and prevent premature failure. The foundation inspector will provide you with a list of best practices along with individualized solutions. During some inspections, we discover that there is absolutely nothing wrong with a client’s foundation. We would rather that be the case. Our company is more concerned with the health of your foundation, than making a quick buck. It is enough for us to know that you have peace of mind. If requested we can refer a plumber, electrician, utility contact or other service provider upon request.

Free Estimate

A complimentary estimate is included with the free inspection. Should the inspector determine that you do have an issue with your foundation, slab, posts or beams, she will explain everything in detail. If you have a crawlspace with drainage or moisture issues, you will be notified in detail along with a viable remedy. You can count on our estimates to be accurate. Because we use technology to the best of our ability, there isn’t as much intense labor required as in yester years. Technology helps to mitigate the cost of most foundation repairs. We invite you to contact us for a free inspection and estimate. You will be surprised at how affordable our services are. Find out much more details about us.
